torsdag 20 mars 2008

It is time to redefine the struggle

The palestinian cause has been discussed for the latest decades in term of a two state solution. The term two state solution brings only confusion and is not helping the Palestinians. Therefor the Palestinian cause should change its rethorics. instead of talking about land, talk about rights. Stick to human rights and leave the terminology of returing back to 1967 years boarders. This will never happen.

The struggle for a country lies in the need for political and human rights. There is no point in struggling for an own country just for the sake of having an own country. If the palestinians stopped talking about land and instead put all their effort in explaining that the struggle is not for a country, but a struggle for human rights, a struggle for respect and dignity, a struggle to be able to send your children to school. This is the essence. This essence is something undeniable and something the whole world would  have to support.

Why did the antiapartheid movement succeed? Because they learned to manage their struggle to be about Human rights. By doing that the racism was exposed and support started to grow all over the world. By talking about human rights the Israelis would have to explain their racism.

One state for all. That is the only solution. 

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